Walls had been painted but were flakey and coming apart, homeowners wanted to reclaim this space!
The basement had been painted, but without a proper waterproofing system installed, the paint just cracked and became messy.

Added our WaterGuard to the interior of the basement.
Dug down around the interior of the basement to install our WaterGuard.

Cracked and weeping walls, Woodburn, OR
The home was experiencing weeping walls and moisture build up

Clean Walls for the crew to work over, need to be clean to waterproof correctly!
With the funky walls, we started to use BrightWall paneling to create a waterproofed and finished look

Built a wall partition to help the homeowners use the basement as they wished.
Homeowners wanted to section off part of the basement and we were happy to create the basement they envisioned.

ThermalDry Tiles with our BrightWall Panels
Flooring, Walls, and it is almost complete

A finished and ready to use Basement!
Final space with flooring, walls, ceiling, and ready to use!