Unique 'Silo' Basement area has Water Mold - Mapleton, OR
This homeowner had revamped an old building to make it their home. The building had a basement, that had two different entry points; one stairway, and a ladder down a space that resembles a silo. The basement already had a working sump pump and was waterproofed, however since it was an older building, the landing spot under the ladder had some divots that would collect water and they noticed it would get moldy and slippery whenever there was rain. It was an easy space to clean, but the danger that comes with a slick floor was a problem.
To solve this issue, we wanted to make sure we could utilize the sump pump they already had, it was an industrial sump pump that was well placed and well kept. So we broke through the concrete floor and installed our WaterGuard sub-floor drainage system. from the silo room to the current pump. In the silo room we added in our TrenchDrain system around the parameter of the space to collect water and then run it along the WaterGuard to the pump. This project was unusual and unique, it created a fun challenge to find a special solution for a circular room.