Case Studies

Portland, OR - Porch Tilted Towards House Causing Standing Water

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"We have this big beautiful patio that we can't use most of the year." When our estimator went out to investigate he found that the ground sloped the opposite direction (bringing water towards the house and building rather than away from it). With this situation rain water would constantly pool on the patio and linger next to the house, making it a virtually unusable space. 


In order to get rid of the water, our crew installed 132 feet of Trench Drain around the side of the building. This took advantage of the sloped ground and gave the water an outlet to escape the patio. The Trench Drain system was cut and shaped to match the flow of the house and the stair well. This area is no longer consistenly wet, and now is a usable outdoor entertaining space. 

Project Summary

Certified Inspector: Michael Rogers

Project: 132 Ft of Trench Drain

Days: Two day job

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OregonWashington Our Locations:

John's Waterproofing
219 Airport Road
Silverton, OR 97381

John's Waterproofing
12108 Mukilteo Speedway
Suite A1 & A2
Mukilteo, WA 98275
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