Each home has key components that are included with building one. The main part would be the foundation, you want to make sure it's strong. But then you have things like your beams and posts that are also helping to hold your home up. You would want those to be sturdy, too right? Well when using wood for your posts they tend to get rotted out or weakened by the moisture coming up from the ground. Causing things like sagging floors, Smart jacks are the cure for that. The strong and sturdy steel posts replace your old wooden ones, holding your home up back where it should be. this is an album of some homes our inspectors have been out to who were in need of Smartjacks.
No posts holding up home
This home just had plywood and a cement block holding it up
these wooden blocks (not even connected to one another) holding up this home is like a game of jenga, the wrong one comes out and the whole tower falls.
Rotten wood
This home also had no posts, and the ones that they tried to put under were also rotting out. This is why it is important to waterproof your crawlspace so this wont happen to your home.
Brittle and weak
The inspector shows how weak the wood is by just simply trying to bend it, if it snaps off from barley any pressure how do you think its holding up your home?