This homeowner had a sump and drainage system installed, but only had a six Mil vapor barrier. These are only short term options for a crawlspace, but if critters are involved, their lifespan shortens. This old vapor barrier had chew marks, and a mouse problem was very evident. We came in a pulled out the damaged vapor barrier and debris. We laid down TerraBlock, CleanSpace, spray foam insulation on the foundation walls, closed up the vents and installed a SaniDry dehumidifier. The CleanSpace vapor barrier works wonders to keep critters out, it is a 20 Mil woven barrier, making it much harder for critters to chew through. It is also no longer open to the elements, making this conditioned space less ideal for animals to live in.
Cleanspace is anchored along the walls, inserted under wooden posts and fully sealed into place.
Sump Pump
The sump pump is easy to check, and the space is much cleaner for any future preventative maintenance checks.
Chew Marks
Mice had been chewing through this old vapor barrier.
Falling Fibergalss
The old fiberglass was falling in pieces from humidity issues.