Serving Eugene, Greater Portland, Vancouver, Everett, Bellingham, and Nearby Areas
When someone calls our office, we have a set process that we follow. This helps us gather some information to best assist our design specialists. One scenario we often see during the summer goes as follows:
"Do you have water or moisture under your home?"
"No, I looked down there and don't see any water, it is just dusty and the vapor barrier is a little torn."
The issue with this is if you are only checking the crawlspace when the weather is warmer, there is less rain and ground saturation present, so it ends up more difficult to see water issues. For this reason, we like to teach people the signs that can be found during the warmer months so they can keep an eye out for water problems year-round.
These are indicators that water intrusion is an issue in your home and could lead to foundational issues as well as mold and other harmful indoor allergens. If you see any of these signs when you are quickly screening your crawlspace, call us for a free inspection on cleaning and protecting your crawlspace.
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