Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Holes in Basement Walls Caused Flooding - Portland, OR
This homeowner reached out to John's Waterproofing back in 2014 about wanting to finish their basement after noticing water was coming in through the corner. However, they decided not to do the waterproofing and wanted to wait it out and see if the water issue would just go away on its own. 10 years later, they were still experiencing a water intrusion in their basement and were tired of it ruining their basement. They called John's again and scheduled the basement waterproofing to solve the issue once and for all. We first identified the source of the water entering the basement through the foundation walls. In order to control the passage of water, they needed a drainage system that would collect any water that tried to enter through the walls and be pushed out of the basement. We installed WaterGuard along the interior perimeter of the basement. This goes beneath the floors and sits alongside the footing of the basement. It is able to catch any water that enters through the walls and guides it to a sump pump system. For this basement, we installed a SuperSump Plus sump pump that took all that collected water from the WaterGuard and safely pushes it through a discharge line out of the basement and away from the homes foundation. We cover the drainage system up with concrete so that it is discreet, yet effective. Because leaky basement walls were a primary concern and they want to finish the space, we installed ThermalDry. This is a vapor barrier that goes along the basement walls that keeps water from seeping through. It acts as a guide to direct water from the walls down below to the drainage system. We shingle the ThermalDry to the WaterGuard system for secure passage and anchor it to the basement walls. Where the SuperSump Plus was installed, we put a CleanSpace Wall system on the existing basement walls that is a vapor barrier made with woven fibers and sealed with waterproof tape. After this entire process is completed, the basement is ready for the homeowner to finish knowing it was stay dry and waterproofed.
Unfinished Basement Walls.
The unfinished basement walls were causing water to seep through and flood the basement making it a unhealthy space for the homeowners.
Checking on the Issue
To check for water damage, a hole was cut into the walls and we could see effloresce and other water stains on the foundation. The dry wall was also molding.
Trench for WaterGuard.
WaterGuard is installed along the interior perimeter of the basement that acts as a safe passageway for water to flow through and be pushed out.
After WaterGuard and ThermalDry Installation.
Once WaterGuard is installed, it is covered over top with concrete to offer a discreet look and ThermalDry along the basement walls is shingled into it.
SuperSump Plus Sump Pump.
This sump pump is capable of collecting any water sent in from WaterGuard and can safely push it out of basement and away from homes foundation.